Following the pattern of the New Testament church, we're here to CONNECT and EFFECT in the following five ways:WorshipWe exist to connect with God in worship by exalting His Son, Jesus Christ, and effect lifestyles of worship in those to whom we minister.RelationshipsWe desire to connect people in meaningful, life-giving relationships. Our goal is to effect unity in the Body of Christ and demonstrate the love of Jesus to all.EvangelismWe exist to connect those who do not yet know Jesus Christ with His love and life-changing power, and help effect meaningful transformation in the hearts and lives of thousands.DiscipleshipWe exist to connect new and current believers with a continuing and growing relationship with Jesus Christ, and effect spiritual maturity and formation in the lives of every believer.Servant MinistryWe exist to connect with believers and non-believers in relevant, servant-oriented ministry and care. Our goal is to effect an attitude of caregiving within the body of Christ and a change in the spiritual climate of our city and our world.