Hancock House started publishing under the name and imprint of the Hancock Wildlife Conservation Center in the late 1960's, began Hancock House Publishers about 1971 and was incorporated in 1975. Since that time we have largely focused on northwest coast regional publishing. Also during the early 1980's we operated a wholesale and remainder book division that focused on the sale of all western titles, and had the valuable experience of starting three bookstores. After about five years of these related activities, each of which was initiated to further the sales of our published titles, we refocused exclusively on the publishing program.David Hancock started the publishing venture by building on the distribution system first initiated to sell his own authored books that accompanied his documentary film production.In the earlier days we operated from warehouses in Alberta, Ontario, Connecticut and Seattle as well as in the Victoria area. Later, with improved courier systems we consolidated our distribution for Canada from Surrey, BC, and for the US from Blaine, WA. By 1997 we had developed a meaningful Web presence to support the international direct mail marketing of an expansion into major natural history books.