The Literacy Company is a team of dedicated consultants who work closely with schools to enhance the curriculum and to raise standards in English. Established in September 2013 by Linda Neill and Catherine Richardson, the company is now a dynamic team with a shared vision for literacy.Our aim is to share practical, effective and enjoyable strategies to enhance classroom teaching. We are passionate about literacy and aim to share this with teachers and pupils alike, working alongside head teachers and senior leaders to support whole school improvement of literacy across a range of schools.We offer a full range of multi-award winning programmes following the Pathways Literacy approach:Pathways to Write: A proven methodology built around units of work which develop vocabulary, reading and writing skills through our mastery approach.Pathways to Read: A programme designed to equip pupils from Year 2 onwards with key skills to move them through the reading process towards becoming competent and fluent readers.Pathways to Spell: A KS1 and KS2 spelling programme with fully planned and sequenced lessons with supporting PowerPoints.Pathways to Progress: An intervention that is delivered in addition to pupils' English lessons.