Linda Pinkett

Instructional Coach at reDesign - Brookline, MA, US

Linda Pinkett's Contact Details
Highland Park,Michigan,48203,United States
Linda Pinkett's Company Details
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Brookline, MA, US • 20 - 49 Employees

reDesign is a diverse team of experienced educators who provide design, coaching, and consulting services to help schools and school systems improve educational outcomes for historically underserved youth. We believe all young people can become independent, passionate learners who are prepared for college, regardless of economic circumstance, race, or family history. For us, education is fundamentally an issue of social justice.reDesign collaborates with clients on projects that push the envelope of vision and design in education: projects that are reimagining what teaching and learning can be, particularly for the most vulnerable and marginalized youth in our society. Our work is organized around three key levers of impact: strategic design, educator capacity-building, and knowledge-building. Each of these areas of work inform and impact the other, enabling us to bring tangible value to our clients through complete learning cycles of ideation, implementation, and data-guided, reflective iteration.

Educational Consulting Teacher Effectiveness support School Improvement and Turn-Around School Design Framework for Effective Instruction College/University Colleges and Universities Primary/Secondary Education
Details about reDesign
Frequently Asked Questions about Linda Pinkett
Linda Pinkett currently works for reDesign.
Linda Pinkett's role at reDesign is Instructional Coach.
Linda Pinkett's email address is *** To view Linda Pinkett's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Linda Pinkett works in the Primary/secondary Education industry.
Linda Pinkett's colleagues at reDesign are Sydney Schaef, Marie Watson, Antonia Rudenstine, Lew Gittelman, Jamie Greason, Brianna Lafoon, Vicky Kim and others.
Linda Pinkett's phone number is 781-367-6457
See more information about Linda Pinkett