Linda Spadier

Account Specialist at Credit Bureau Connection - Fresno, California, US

Linda Spadier's Colleagues at Credit Bureau Connection
David Daniel

Subscriber Services Manager

Contact David Daniel

Crly Alvarado

Customer and Sales Support Specialist

Contact Crly Alvarado

Linda Spadier

Account Specialist / Accounts Receivable

Contact Linda Spadier

David Daniel

Subscriber Services Manager

Contact David Daniel

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Linda Spadier's Contact Details
(559) 226-2256
Credit Bureau Connection
Linda Spadier's Company Details
Credit Bureau Connection logo, Credit Bureau Connection contact details

Credit Bureau Connection

Fresno, California, US • 40 Employees

Credit Bureau Connection has roots in the credit reporting, regulatory compliance, sales, desking, and F&I system development fields dating back to the early 1980’s. In recent years, Credit Bureau Connection, also known as CBC, has become a recognized industry leader in credit reporting and compliance solutions. CBC is proud to be one of only a few authorized resellers to the automotive industry for all three credit reporting agencies: Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax. We have established, long-term, good-standing relationships with each of the credit reporting agencies. CBC is a technology oriented company focusing on customer service. We pride ourselves on providing the latest, state-of-the-art solutions for financial related clients. We utilize high-end servers and hardware, managed in the most secure and redundant data centers in the world. Our software platforms and tools are developed using the most current industry standard software technologies. CBC's customers rest easy knowing they have a development company that is in the forefront of anticipating and meeting compliance regulations, and often ahead, of FTC, SafeGaurds, FACTA, FCRA, and Dodd-Frank implementation dates. CBC customers range from new and used automotive dealerships to lenders and other financial institutions, and are located across the United States and into Canada. CBC's eCredit Complete - Credit Reporting and Compliance Suite is exceptionally fast and secure. This completely on-line, web based application provides an “all-inclusive” compliance suite, along with credit reporting tools unrivaled in the industry today. Credit Bureau Connection is proud to be a “green” company inside and out. CBC utilizes automated, “no paper” applications and communications. CBC offers emailed sign up documents, electronic monthly invoicing, and e-signing. CBC is constantly working and focused on providing a better service and solution to our customers, our partners, our employees, and our environment.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Linda Spadier
Linda Spadier currently works for Credit Bureau Connection.
Linda Spadier's role at Credit Bureau Connection is Account Specialist.
Linda Spadier's email address is *** To view Linda Spadier's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Linda Spadier works in the SaaS industry.
Linda Spadier's colleagues at Credit Bureau Connection are David Daniel, Crly Alvarado, Jordan Johnson, Alex Stoltzfus, Darrel Schulte, Linda Spadier, David Daniel and others.
Linda Spadier's phone number is (559) 226-2256
See more information about Linda Spadier