For every challenge that the managers of rental properties have, there's one publication that rises to the occasion to provide total clarity on it: Rental Housing Journal. How have we become the most trusted resource by landlords, portfolio managers, on-site community managers, leasing agents and apartment maintenance professionals? For one thing, we're on top of many of the coming changes to the rental environment even before they happen. That's because our owners bring a strong journalistic background that helps us to deliver stories of a deeper, richer quality that our readers and advertisers alike can appreciate. Legal issues. Management and maintenance trends. Real-world answers from veteran landlords and property managers. An extensive directory of resources. If it impacts the rental housing market, particularly in Phoenix, Portland, Vancouver, Seattle, Willamette Valley of Oregon, Salt Lake City or Colorado, we're on it. Now it's your turn to see how you can get it as a subscriber and get in it as an advertiser.To subscribe to Rental Housing Journal, visit us at To learn how you can advertise in front of a coveted industry audience with the full support of our graphic design department for your next print and web ad, logo, brochure, website, robust SEO and social media, email Terry Hokenson at or call 480.226.1124.