Linda Zullo

part time - library and bookstore assistant at Kankakee Community College - San Francisco, CA, US

Linda Zullo's Contact Details
Kankakee Community College
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Kankakee Community College logo, Kankakee Community College contact details

Kankakee Community College

San Francisco, CA, US • 1000 - 4999 Employees

Kankakee Community College is committed to one mission: Enhancing quality of life through learning.KCC is a great place to start working toward achieving your goals, dreams and ambitions. Whether you are looking to transfer to a four-year college or university or want to go directly into the workforce. KCC can provide you with the education you need to succeed.Kankakee Community College is accredited by the HIgher Learning Commission which is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools.

Details about Kankakee Community College
Frequently Asked Questions about Linda Zullo
Linda Zullo currently works for Kankakee Community College.
Linda Zullo's role at Kankakee Community College is part time - library and bookstore assistant.
Linda Zullo's email address is *** To view Linda Zullo's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Linda Zullo works in the Higher Education industry.
Linda Zullo's colleagues at Kankakee Community College are Mary Steichen, Ericka Renollet, Judy Downey, Stephanie Rayman, Kelly Edwards, Mary Posing, Ken Crite and others.
Linda Zullo's phone number is null
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