Easigas (Pty) Ltd is a 100% owned subsidiary of Rubis Energie (France) and has been a leading supplier& distributor of Liquefied Petroleum Gas to the Southern African market for the last 30 years.Easigas'vision is to be the leader in the LPG business by moving to attractive market offers, by adjustingto the customer demand and by being profitable in the countries where we choose to operate. Its missionis to consolidate its Number 1 position on the LPG market whilst sustaining profitable growth in linewith customers' expectations.We wish to optimise our current business in order to keep a profitable growth while improving continuouslyour LPG offers & competitiveness on the market.The South African government through the Department of Energy has committed to the promotionof LPGas use, which is cleaner and safer as an efficient burning energy source, among the obstaclesencountered by the government was the high price of LPGas cylinders and appliances, the governmenthas therefore also committed to making LPGas more affordable for cooking and heating to reducethe need for large investments in power generation.