Associate Director at Atlantic Marine Energy Center - Durham, New Hampshire, United States
The Atlantic Marine Energy Center (AMEC) is a national marine energy center, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy, with a mission to advance the marine energy industry and power the blue economy. AMEC is a university-led consortium between the University of New Hampshire, Lehigh University, Stony Brook University and the Coastal Studies Institute of North Carolina, to address the ongoing needs for research, development, and testing in support of wave and tidal and ocean current energy.For its present work scope, AMEC partners and collaborates with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and the European Marine Energy Center, and Old Dominion University on specific tasks.AMEC fulfills its mission through multi- and interdisciplinary research, marine energy device and component testing, the fostering of connections, and the sharing of knowledge and experience through education.AMEC researcher expertise spans engineering disciplines, including mechanical, civil, electrical, and ocean engineering, and oceanography, marine biology, ecology, and social sciences. AMEC unites and builds upon this broad range of expertise to focus on interdisciplinary research and applications relevant to marine energy and powering the blue economy applications.AMEC provides laboratory and open ocean testing for marine energy devices and device components. AMEC operates tidal and wave energy and open ocean test sites. AMEC strengthens and connects the capabilities of individual institutions.