Mission The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Kingston is mandated to provide practical assistance and support to individuals and families residing in, or visiting, the Kingston area. All such services are provided in a compassionate and respectful manner which reflects and reinforces the dignity and humanity of all persons. Company Overview The St. Vincent de Paul Society of Kingston was incorporated in 1971, but has been in operation since at least 1969; serving the needs of the city's most disadvantaged individuals in a compassionate and non-judgmental manner. Description With donations and frugal shopping by volunteers we provide a 3-course hot meal with beverages every weekday for under $1 in expenses to us and absolutely ZERO cost to our lovely Kingston patrons. You can see what is being served ahead of time by checking out the "MENU" section of our website or feel free to call the kitchen. The warehouse is a combination clothing, household item depot and emergency food pantry where we accept non-perishable food items, towels, books, toys, diapers and clothing for distribution. Emergency groceries and other items are provided at no cost to those who need them. Donations can be picked up at your home by calling: 613-546-3333 General Information Hours of Operation: Between Labour Day and Canada Day Monday - Friday 9am-1pm July & August (Only Warehouse open) Tuesdays 9am-1pm