Lindsay Petty

Paraprofessional at Mainspring Academy - Jacksonville, FL, US

Lindsay Petty's Contact Details
Mainspring Academy
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Mainspring Academy logo, Mainspring Academy contact details

Mainspring Academy

Jacksonville, FL, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Mainspring Academy is a non-profit school for children and young adults ages 5-22 who have special needs including, but not limited to; autism, Down syndrome, ADHD, emotional-behavioral disorders, and learning disorders and challenges. Our mission is to serve as the premier, comprehensive learning and support center for children with special needs in the Jacksonville area. At Mainspring, we believe all children a capable of learning and growth regardless of their disability. We believe in the whole-child approach, taking into account all aspects of the child's life. Each student is provided an Individualized Learning Plan (ILP), which tailors the student's academic goals to meet their needs. At Mainspring our classrooms are typically a 6:2 student to teacher ratio. The small class size allows the student to work on their individualized program while still giving them access to peers for socialization and play. In addition, each class has daily recess, physical education 3 times weekly, and art 2 times weekly. Mainspring also participates in community activities, such a the Special Olympics and various community based music programs. Mainspring Academy is truly and exceptional school, with exceptional students!

Special Education Advocacy Autism Behavior Disorders Learning Disorders
Details about Mainspring Academy
Frequently Asked Questions about Lindsay Petty
Lindsay Petty currently works for Mainspring Academy.
Lindsay Petty's role at Mainspring Academy is Paraprofessional.
Lindsay Petty's email address is *** To view Lindsay Petty's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lindsay Petty works in the Education Management industry.
Lindsay Petty's colleagues at Mainspring Academy are Elizabeth Worrell, Dina Parisi, Daniel Flanagan, Maya Crosby, Paige McGuire, Bianca Croyle and others.
Lindsay Petty's phone number is 904-503-0344
See more information about Lindsay Petty