Lindsay Schwartzkopf

crew chief at William Self Associates, Inc - Orinda, California, US

Lindsay Schwartzkopf's Contact Details
(602) 261-7253
William Self Associates, Inc
Lindsay Schwartzkopf's Company Details
William Self Associates, Inc logo, William Self Associates, Inc contact details

William Self Associates, Inc

Orinda, California, US • 100 - 249 Employees

William Self Associates is a solution-oriented cultural resource consulting firm made up of archaeologists and cultural resource management professionals with offices in the San Francisco Bay Area, Southern California, Texas, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and New York . WSA is a PaleoWest Archaeology company, dedicated to cultural resource consulting on behalf of clients who need their projects guided through the regulatory challenges posed by prehistoric, historic, ethnographic, and paleontologic resources. Founded in 1988, WSA joined forces with PaleoWest Archaeology to create a team of cultural resource professionals who carry out archaeological projects from coast to coast and internationally. Our clientele includes a range of state and federal agencies, tribes, and private-sector clients. We have earned the trust of government agencies, such as the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Bureau of Land Management, Bureau of Reclamation, and U.S. Forest Service. WSA’s cultural resource services provide expertise on historic and prehistoric archaeology, bioarchaeology, architectural history, maritime archaeology, remote sensing, and GIS projects.

Cultural Resources Management Historic Preservation Archaeological Assessment and Mitigation GIS Analysis and Cartography NEPA planning (EA EIS) Biological Assessment Natural Resource Assessment and Mitigation Desert Tortoise management Maritime Archaeology Aerial Imaging and 3D Modeling Section 106 NAGPRA and CEQA Consultation Waste/Recycling/Environmental Environmental Controls Environmental Services
Details about William Self Associates, Inc
Frequently Asked Questions about Lindsay Schwartzkopf
Lindsay Schwartzkopf currently works for William Self Associates, Inc.
Lindsay Schwartzkopf's role at William Self Associates, Inc is crew chief.
Lindsay Schwartzkopf's email address is *** To view Lindsay Schwartzkopf's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lindsay Schwartzkopf works in the Waste/Recycling/Environmental industry.
Lindsay Schwartzkopf's colleagues at William Self Associates, Inc are Brian Mckee, Paul Casey, Allen Estes, Allen Estes, David Buckley, Marta Self and others.
Lindsay Schwartzkopf's phone number is ["+13146238384"]
See more information about Lindsay Schwartzkopf