Lindsey Winsemius

VP of Communications at APOGEEINVENT - American Falls, ID, US

Lindsey Winsemius's Contact Details
Grand Haven,Michigan,United States
Lindsey Winsemius's Company Details


American Falls, ID, US • 20 - 49 Employees

ApogeeINVENT is a team of software engineers, project managers, designers, account managers, and marketing professionals.Our location: Anywhere with an Internet jack or wireless connection.Our mission: To transform ideas into beautifully functioning software.Our story: Launched in 2004 by Founder and CEO Joseph Frazier, ApogeeINVENT has grown to include dozens of passionate individuals. We represent different states, different time zones, and different specialties, degrees, and core strengths. But what we share is more important - our passion for innovation, unrelenting curiosity about the internet, unquenchable thirst for the latest industry information, and a commitment to success.Over the years we've completed thousands of projects ranging in size, type, and industry. We've evolved along with the Internet, learning and growing and expanding. We believe that people make a company, which is why our team and our clients always come first. Our Services: Custom software engineering, project management, custom web designOur Products: TitanMLM Network Marketing Software, TitanAFFILIATE Affiliate Management Software, ApogeeACADEMY Virtual Training Software, ApogeeCART Ecommerce Suite, MarketingWebsite Responsive Websites, ApogeeLANDER Dedicated Landing Page, iPayAuto Payment Processing, PropertyShowcase Real Estate Marketing Software, PostalParrot Email Marketing ServiceSubsidiary Companies: CryptoComics Marketplace, Auto Search Technologies

web design software development ecommerce websites MLM Software Email Marketing Marketing Automation Content Marketing Marketing Technology Network Marketing Book Marketing Web Design SaaS Web Development Affiliate Marketing Software App Development LMS Virtual Training Software MLM Startup Software Custom Software Data Processing and Preparation Internet
Details about APOGEEINVENT
Frequently Asked Questions about Lindsey Winsemius
Lindsey Winsemius currently works for APOGEEINVENT.
Lindsey Winsemius's role at APOGEEINVENT is VP of Communications.
Lindsey Winsemius's email address is *** To view Lindsey Winsemius's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lindsey Winsemius works in the Internet industry.
Lindsey Winsemius's colleagues at APOGEEINVENT are Andrew Lovelace, Crystal Holder, Kevin Cunningham, Lindsey Lanser, Andrew Frey, Jillian Calderon, Jared Brague and others.
Lindsey Winsemius's phone number is 949-200-7041
See more information about Lindsey Winsemius