FAR AND AWAY AFRICA'S HOTTEST SWIMWEAR MANUFACTURERSun Things is a privately-owned, Cape Town-based ladies and girls swimwear manufacturing company, established 27 years ago. We enjoy the winning reputation for design, quality and fashionability across the independent boutique and retail chain game. We're also recognised and distinguished by our international quality garments.Today Sun Things is poised and determined to play in a much larger oceanWe're well geared to offer far and away USA and European markets the best of both worlds – fresh designs and great quality, across short and long runs, straight from the world's second most favourite city.With plenty of capacity available, if you're not yet enjoying the perfect fit for your production requirements, have a glance our way. And don't forget to wear shades. You'll discover that the economic benefits are dazzling! And you get to enjoy personal remote control.