General Manager New Zealand (Chandler Macleod NZ | OCG Consulting | Peoplebank NZ)
RGF Staffing APEJ (Asia Pacific Excluding Japan) is part of a global player RGF Staffing, one of the world's largest HR services providers, with activities in Europe, the UK and North America. Our champion local brands include Chandler Macleod, Peoplebank, Vivir healthcare, ahs hospitality, OCG,Aurion and Leaders IT Services. RGF Staffing overall, is an ecosystem of brands. A multi-brand story encompassing different needs, ambitions and aspirations. You can see all our brands here: has become more than a means of putting money on the table or getting the job done. It is about connecting the purposes of individuals and companies, creating opportunities for everyone involved. By contributing to our stakeholders' values to bet on passion, wow the world and prioritize social value, RGF Staffing APEJ creates opportunities for life: for employees, companies, governments and society at large.