Smartcom was founded in May 2000 by Nick Zografos and was operated as a Vodacom Service Provider to the Vodacom network until September 2007. With effect from October 2007, Smartcom became an accredited partner (dealer) of Vodacom Service Provider (VSP) offering all VSP’s mobile voice, data and content services and, more recently, various new Vodacom fixed data services. In March 2017, Nick Zografos stepped down as CEO of the Smartcom group of companies and handed over the leadership of the businesses by appointing Mr. Bain Liversage (previously Sales Executive) and Mrs. Komla Naidoo (previously Operations and HR Executive) in a Joint CEO role. Both individuals have in excess of 18 years experience in the South African Telecommunications industry and over 12 years direct experience in the Smartcom business. In the 17 seventeen years, Smartcom has been recognized almost every year by Vodacom for its achievements, both in the extent of the new business introduced by Smartcom to the network on an annual bas