True School Entertainment is proud to announce having grown a new branch. Lion Lindwedel and Glenn "Daddy-O" Bolton (Stetsasonic, @ProfessorDaddyO) have joined together to form Odad Truth Records. With digital distribution by Chuck D's (Public Enemy) distribution company SpitDigital, OTR has already begun to see success with the release of their first album, Daddy-O's solo effort "#EverybodyButKRS". The first single "Psychedelic Sally" has been on a rapid rise of the Hip-Hop Gods Radio Top 10 to it's current place at Number 2! Odad Truth Records also boasts a talent roster including Wu Management veteran Lord Luminous, and Colorado's very own young and sassy voice, Missy G. OTR has managed to garner the attention of some of the biggest names in Hip-Hop and are certainly acting accordingly. Contact Lion Lindwedel for more information.