Created by Snir and Lior Heber Knimach, Colorful Family was conceived after the couple found that there was very little representation of their family in the books they would read to their son. It seemed that the more they looked, the more obvious it became that there was a shortage of LGBT children's books. And the only ones that they could find merely explained that having same-sex parents was normal. There was nothing in which having two dads was just a regular part of the child's life. And so, they decided to set out and create a brand that they could publish such books under!Colorful Family creates books about a variety of topics for toddlers, offering an educational aspect in addition to the representation of having two dads. Snir and Lior both believe that seeing such representation is crucial for a child to feel secure and happy within their environment. Their ultimate goal is for Colorful Family to become a safe and inviting environment for children and parents from LGBT families!Currently, Snir and Lior are married and live with their two-year-old son in New York City. While they're both originally from Israel, they came to the United States on n educational emissary mission. When they aren't writing or pouring their hearts into Colorful Family, Snir works as a middle school teacher, and Lior is a software architect.