X Media Lab (XML) is the internationally acclaimed creative industries event. XML creates a meeting place uniquely designed to assist companies and people in getting their own creative ideas successfully to market, through concept development, business matching, and direct access to world-class networks of creative professionals.XML consists of a Pro Day Conference (General Admission) featuring a selection of the world's outstanding creative practitioners for each Lab's chosen theme; and the 2-day Lab itself (Selected Companies Only), in which the participants are able to work directly with their selected Lab mentors on their own project ideas, and explore partnerships and business opportunities with all other Lab participants Lab mentors.Each XML is a completely unique event where people with original digital media ideas connect with a superb international network of independent creative thinkers, technology wizards, commercialization experts, potential business partners, and potential financial resources. The focus of the Lab is always on you and your idea.XML specializes in building high-value professional networks between the emergent creative industries in China, India, the Middle East, North and South Asia: the new geographies and new media hotspots that have the highest growth markets, the biggest numbers of consumers, the largest youth markets, and the greatest emerging talent pools.Founded at the Sydney Opera House in 2003, X Media Lab has now held over 65 events in 14 countries and 21 cities around the world: Beijing, Shanghai, Suzhou, Mumbai, Seoul, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Manila, London, Bath, Malmö, Amsterdam, Lausanne, Basel, Los Angeles, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Auckland and Wellington.