Lisa Backer

part time at Olympia Granola - Milwaukee, WI, US

Lisa Backer's Contact Details
Taylors Falls,Minnesota,55084,United States
Olympia Granola
Lisa Backer's Company Details
Olympia Granola logo, Olympia Granola contact details

Olympia Granola

Milwaukee, WI, US • 20 - 49 Employees
Food Processing

Olympia Granola was originally founded in 2003 in the Olympic Mountain region of Washington, selling a few varieties of bars at farmer's markets and local food co-ops. Today, the Midwest-based business has grown and expanded a product line to include many varieties of gourmet granola bars, co-packing and distributing nationwide. The Olympia Granola family is passionate about eating healthy, staying active, helping others, living long,productive lives, pursuing excellence in all we do, and making the best darn granola known to man. Olympia Granola intends to improve the lives of individuals and families everywhere, through the use of premium raw ingredients and a consistently excellent production process.

Food & Beverages
Details about Olympia Granola
Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Backer
Lisa Backer currently works for Olympia Granola.
Lisa Backer's role at Olympia Granola is part time.
Lisa Backer's email address is *** To view Lisa Backer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lisa Backer works in the Food & Beverages industry.
Lisa Backer's colleagues at Olympia Granola are Andrew Aj, Sandra Forsman, Andrew Girard and others.
Lisa Backer's phone number is N/A
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