ADU Gurus LLC provides feasibility, design and construction services/management to those seeking to add an additional unit to their property. An ADU, or Accessory Dwelling Unit, formally known as Granny Flats, Casitas and In-Law Suites, are living spaces built or placed on property with an existing dwelling structure. The state of California mandated (through SB1069 in 2017) that local governments make it easier for property owners to build an extra living space. Housing affordability and scarcity drive the efforts to create laws that increase density by relaxing building codes and reduce timelines. New laws include decreasing property setbacks (the distance from the property line to build), removing Development Impact Fees and limiting the turnaround time for permits. These minimum requirements must be allowed by every permitting body in the state. Many jurisdictions have improved upon these mandates by further decreasing setbacks, increasing floor area ratios and parking requirements in an effort to encourage property owners to build an ADU. ADU Gurus LLC key strength is helping to navigate the complexities of a city's Planning & Building Departments for those seeking to build an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Whether residential or multi-family, ADU Gurus LLC, helps property owners from "concept to keys".