We started our company because we wanted to help others discover the benefits of whey such as providing a highly nutritious source of protein, and the eight essential amino acids.When we began our search for a pure whey protein powder, we were surprised to discover that even though there are dozens of whey protein products available, we couldn't find one that was derived from grass-fed cows raised in humane conditions.Instead we found plenty of brightly colored packaging, "designer" proteins with "secret" formulas (with an average of 20+ chemically-treated ingredients), and brands endorsed by "celebrities." This was not what we had in mind!Since we wanted a whey protein that only had one ingredient – - organic whey – - we decided to source the product ourselves. It turns out there weren't many organic cheese processors who produced whey as a by-product, but after months of searching we finally found the Rumiano Cheese Company, California's oldest family-owned cheese company that agreed to provide 100% of the whey we required.