RDH with local anesthesia at Woolton Village Resident's Association (WVRA) - Liverpool, England, United Kingdom
Our Association is always working towards achieving a cleaner, safer and amore colourful village to live and work in and has done so since its formation inOur primary aim is to represent the interests of the residents of WooltonVillage and the many people who support us in that effort. Since 2000 we havehelped regenerate Woolton Woods & Camp Hill together with the Quarry Streetplayground.We, have over the last three to four years, planted over one thousand oak,beech, and other species of tree and shrub in our woods in order to regenerateour mature woodlands. We have planted over 1000 bluebells and sown over1800 sq. metres of wild flower seeds along the woodland edge of Hillfoot Roadand High Street Borders in order to create an insect habitat and sustain manyspecies of wild bird and small mammals. We can also, now see the results ofbeing involved in the "Britain in Bloom" contest that had been promoted by theCity Council and the Woolton in Bloom Committee.Arising out of our work and contacts with various community forums, includingThe Mersey Forest and offices within the City Council we are able to influencedecisions regarding the environment in the village.Our latest green project was to create Liverpool Bumblebee Haven Project inWoolton Wood, funded by an £18,000 grant from Veolia Environmental Trust.