Distinguished Voice Specialists Marianna Brilla and Lisa Paglin, have re-designed their company, New Voice Studio Italia, now called New Voice Studio Brilla-Paglin, in order to better serve the vocal and artistic needs of vocal artists.NVS Brilla-Paglin is a small, unique and highly specialized international center for vocal culture and the vocal arts, the result of over 15 years of research on the physiology of the voice and acoustics.•Marianna Brilla and Lisa Paglin are widely sought after for their innovative method of voice teaching, Vocal Balance Brilla-Paglin℠ and their unique and extremely successful method for vocal rehabilitation and repair for singers and actors, Vocal Restoration Brilla-Paglin℠ .Their work combines those years of research with American pragmatism and a profound study of the great cultural tradition and heritage of the Italian Art of Singing, and with even more years of experience in education and repair of artistic and professional voices, and a lot of problem solving.Paglin and Brilla are committed to bringing vocal artists to complete independence with healthy, stable and balanced voices. They are committed to giving back to singers and all vocal artists the health, stability, freedom, spontaneity and beauty that so many of them have lost, and that they desire and need.An article about their work and their revolutionary ideas about the voiceappeared in the Guardian of London:https://www.theguardian.com/news/2017/aug/10/adele-vocal-cord-surgery-why-stars-keep-losing-their-voices