KLM Networking generates support for professionals in transition by cultivating the power of a supportive community. From May of 2020 until June of 2022, we offered regularly scheduled, live online networking meetings. We often feature noted guest presenters, executive coaches and workplace futurists. In addition, we distribute current learning and development resources for professionals and job seekers. Currently (Summer 2022) KLM Networking is taking a break; we're not offering regular virtual meetings at this time. Stay tuned for more information about future programs--we plan to announce updates by Fall 2022. Participants are encouraged to practice an attitude of "How can I help?" when showing up. Offering support to others unconditionally can go a long way towards making an impact. Keep in mind that your value is not only attributed to a service, product or professional role. We welcome new participants. For more information, please reach out to KLMNetworking2020@gmail.com.