Lisa Tucci

Accounting Assistant at HÜBNER Group - Kassel, N/A, DE

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Lisa Tucci's Company Details
HÜBNER Group logo, HÜBNER Group contact details


Kassel, N/A, DE • 1000 - 4999 Employees

As a global system supplier for the mobility industry, for manufacturing and for life sciences and research applications, the HÜBNER Group is the worldwide leader in gangway systems for buses and railway vehicles (Mobility), a prominent solution provider for rubber products, plastics technologies and elastomer-coated industrial textiles (Material Solutions) as well as a rising supplier for applications in the field of laser, terahertz and high-frequency technologies (Photonics). The HÜBNER Group employs more than 3,300 people around the world. In addition to the headquarters in Kassel, Germany, HÜBNER has built up more than 25 locations around the world in the preceding years and decades. Als globaler Systemanbieter für die Mobilitätsbranche, für Industrie, Life Sciences und Wissenschaft ist die HÜBNER-Gruppe weltweit führend im Bereich Übergangssysteme für Busse und Schienenfahrzeuge (Mobility), anerkannter Lösungsanbieter für Gummi-Produkte, Kunststoff-Technologien und elastomerbeschichtete Industrietextilien (Material Solutions) sowie Lieferant für Anwendungen in der Laser-, Terahertz- und Hochfrequenztechnologie (Photonics). Insgesamt beschäftigt das Unternehmen weltweit über 3.300 Mitarbeiter. Neben dem Hauptsitz in Kassel hat HÜBNER in den vergangenen Jahren und Jahrzehnten über 25 Standorte rund um den Globus aufgebaut. Imprint: Privacy Policy:

Rubber Laser Technologies Mobility Photonics
Details about HÜBNER Group
Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Tucci
Lisa Tucci currently works for HÜBNER Group.
Lisa Tucci's role at HÜBNER Group is Accounting Assistant.
Lisa Tucci's email address is *** To view Lisa Tucci's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lisa Tucci works in the Transportation industry.
Lisa Tucci's colleagues at HÜBNER Group are Edgar Posso, Wayde Padgett, Nyheim Williams, Matthew Jones, Stacey Gentry, David Arrocha, Jetta Williams and others.
Lisa Tucci's phone number is N/A
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