I write. It's what I do. It matters to me to get the story right for my clients because their story matters. Services include writing for business, marketing and PR, encompassing content creation, copywriting, press releases, web copy, articles, blogs, speeches, social media, or whathaveyou (I love saying whathaveyou).Differentiator: I realized that having a background as a songwriter provides a creative infusion to my business writing and is a benefit to my clients. There is a rhythm and flow to writing, no matter what type it is, and years of songwriting has resulted in an inherent capacity to write with this all important cadence.GOOD WRITING MATTERS. We make it matter in the specific way you need at the time and place that you need it. Whether it's a press release to announce your latest/greatest, new web copy for that oh so outdated website, copywriting for a white paper, or anything else you need written to your heart's desire, your content matters to us, and we'll make sure it matters to your bottom line. COPYWRITINGCONTENT CREATIONPRESS RELEASESWEB CONTENTBLOGSARTICLESSOCIAL MEDIASPEECHWRITINGCUSTOM SONGSYOUR STORY& MORE