EHR GoLive assists small medical group practices move from a paper-based to an electronic health record (EHR) in a timeline that enables them to qualify for ARRA incentive funding. The results:• An EHR that supports your practice culture, priorities and business goals• Minimum disruption of your ongoing operation• Access to up to $63,750 per provider in HITECH incentive funds over six yearsEHR GoLive focuses on medical group practices of any specialty with up to 15 providers. Many practices are somewhere along the path to implementing an EHR, have an electronic billing system in place, and may be thinking about computerizing the clinical operation. An immediate reason for implementing an EHR is the incentive funding from the Federal Government, which becomes available starting in 2011. Small medical practices often have limited technical knowledge and limited time for learning, planning and shepherding an implementation process. They need help selecting and implementing an EHR that works with their practice and enables them to qualify for incentive funds. As clinicians and clinical managers who have evolved into HIT managers and consultants, we understand the needs and demands associated with both the clinical and Health Information Technology domains, areas critical to a successful EHR implementation. EHR GoLive will enable implementation with a minimum impact on ongoing operations by experts who understand the demands and flow of patient care.