Lise Koch

DIGITAL CONSULTANT at Wasabi Film - Aarhus C, Aarhus C, De

Lise Koch's Contact Details
Copenhagen, Capital Region, Denmark
Wasabi Film
Lise Koch's Company Details
Wasabi Film logo, Wasabi Film contact details

Wasabi Film

Aarhus C, Aarhus C, De • 20 - 49 Employees

Wasabi Film har base i Filmby Aarhus og producerer film for danske og internationale brands, kampagnefilm, TV, Fiktion og dokumentarfilm. I de seneste år har vi blandt andet lavet kampagnefilm for Smukfest og Økologisk Landsforening, Vestas, produceret animationsfilm for ATP og energiselskabet Eniig, filmet en præsidentkampagne i Nigeria, optaget "Den Store Strikkedyst", skudt reklamer for Aarstiderne og Bauhaus, og så har vi udviklet det prisvindende koncept "Gintberg på Kanten" samt den komedie serie GG HORSENS, sæson1 og 2.Selskabet blev skudt igang, da det i 2003 producerede "M/K Annette – En sømand skifter køn" til DR Dokumentar. Det blev til to programmer af hver en times varighed, som blev set af en million danskere. Alt vi foretager os er drevet af lyst, nysgerrighed og en stærk ambition om altid kun at præstere det bedste. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wasabi Film produces image and campaign film as well as television.We draw on our rich experience with prime time TV productions for the major Danish television channels.Today Wasabi Film have it's base in Filmby Aarhus and our portfolio ranges from a presidential campaign in Nigeria, films for the music festival Smukfest in Skanderborg to corporate productions for Vestas and the development of the hit-program "Gintberg på Kanten" shown on DR1.Wasabi Film was founded in 2003 when we produced "M/F Anette – A sailor changing sex" for DR Documentary. One million people saw the documentary when it first aired.Everything we do is driven by our curiosity, our desire and strong ambition to produce nothing but the best.

Details about Wasabi Film
Frequently Asked Questions about Lise Koch
Lise Koch currently works for Wasabi Film.
Lise Koch's role at Wasabi Film is DIGITAL CONSULTANT.
Lise Koch's email address is *** To view Lise Koch's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lise Koch works in the Movies industry.
Lise Koch's colleagues at Wasabi Film are Jesper Jørgensen, Ida Madsen, Kirstine Gotthelf, Andreas Dam, Rune Fonvig, Nathalie Pedersen, Malene Redder and others.
Lise Koch's phone number is N/A
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