Founded in 1994, the company MPS associates provides consulting services, project design and management in the areas of Architecture, Urban Design, Planning, Landscape and Visual Communication / corporate identity.The multidisciplinary character of its technical staff, consisting of architects planners, supported by independent consultants who specialize in various areas, gives the MPS the ideal profile for developing projects and plans that require an interdisciplinary treatment.The participation of your team at work as the Plan for Green Areas Administrative Region of St. Cristóvão in Rio de Janeiro, 11 Participatory Master Plans in the mountainous region of Espírito Santo and several Project Architecture and Signaling at the FDE (scools), SPTrans (bus), METRO (subway) and CPTM (railtrain) São Paulo, among others, the coaches gave the company a wide experience in dealing with users and other public and private actors who participate in the management of these projects.With headquarters in Sao Paulo, Rua Batatais, 602 cj. 21, Jardim Paulista, MPS occupies a building with floor area of approximately 180m2, equipped with modern facilities, ample resources for graphic editing, design and communication in a computerized environment.