Do you remember when you first got into business?Was it to help people? To find a personal sense of purpose? Was it to solve a problem?Leaders Yielding to New Knowledge (LY2NK) Foundation was created for this same reason. Businesses are all about solving problems. And LY2NK is founded and run by problem solvers.LY2NK Foundation is a community of philanthropic mentors that connects leaders in the business world to strongly vetted organizations around the globe. Teachers, mentors, and leaders all work together to bring education and knowledge to impoverished areas.The goal is empowerment. Long-standing personal relationships with individuals in the communities allow for the development of casual local leaders. LY2NK works with people teaching leadership and teamwork skills so they can solve the local issues facing their communities. This ensures the preservation and protection of native cultures. The knowledge is passed down for generations building self-reliance and breaking the cycle of dependence.Your donations and investments fund the initial resources. It's the first step to the biggest ROI you can ever get… the Ripple of Impact. LY2NK supports specific, measurable and sustainable solutions through knowledge and education. The same principles used in business, applied to solving problems that will change lives.Imagine having a purpose that will change the world...leaving a legacy of empowerment.Start building a legacy today! Click to find out more. Join us on our journey to educate others! Like and share and on:Facebook: