HeroWork is a charity that transforms other charities by renovating their buildings.The Problem: Charities often operate in poor buildings that diminish their ability to serve people in need. Many of these buildings were never designed to deliver social services. Their poor condition and design hampers programming, innovation, efficiency, and the well-being of clients, staff, and volunteers. Most charities neither have the resources or expertise to fix this problem—they are already overwhelmed by the increasing social needs of our society. The 2021 Social Purpose Real Estate "Space for Community" report cited that 52% of Lower Mainland charities lack funding for real estate operations, maintenance, renovations, development or acquisition of space. The Solution: HeroWork transforms charities by transforming their buildings. We do this through large scale community volunteer renovation events. These events are like an extreme makeover or old-time barn raiser, where over 100 companies and hundreds of volunteers come together to complete comprehensive renovations in a fraction of normal time and money. They call these events "Radical Renovations." HeroWork Canada is creating a movement of infrastructure renewal for charities across the country. Key Stats: $5.4 Million worth of charity renovations completed to date; 13 Radical Renovation projects completed for charities; Upwards of 40,000 volunteer hours logged; Hundreds of Sponsors and Trades labour-in-kind hours donated; Tens of thousands of charity clients better-served as a result of HeroWork projects By 2030, HWC will have achieved a cumulative total of 75 charities transformed and will be completing upwards of 20 Radical Renovations with a combined value over $12M EVERY YEAR.