Health Options Worldwide (HOW) is focused on helping companies in the healthcare and insurance industries increase their sales. By leveraging myHINT™, our cloud-based engagement system, companies are able to drive health awareness and increase an individual's desire to make a purchase.One of the greatest challenges companies in both industries face is that people are naturally inclined to think that serious medical problems, such as a heart attack, stroke, or disability will never happen to them. As a result, sales professionals continue to face an uphill battle as there is a preconceived perception that their products aren't needed. myHINT™ changes this perception by combining the latest research in psychology along with our advancements in technology to make individuals aware that "something bad" could happen to them. The companies that use myHINT™ are then able to show their customers how their specific products can help protect themselves and their families. In addition, myHINT™ helps our users prevent that "bad thing" from happening by sending them physician-recommendation based on their health risks. This aspect of myHINT™ provides our clients with an additional value-add that can reduce their customer's healthcare costs as well as protect their business from competitors.