Our roots lie in the health and performance of people within organisations: our natural transition has led us to specialise in creating engaged and energised cultures to enable organisations to sustain healthy high performance. We design and implement programmes that help our clients understand the way that workplace pressure is felt by their employees and use this information to enable every team, and team member, to be as effective and satisfied as they can be. We have vast experience and success in: - Enabling teams to identify those specific pressures that get in the way of them making their fullest contribution - Turning around dysfunctional teams - Helping stressed and ‘burnt-out' executives manage pressure effectively and preventing ‘burn-out' happening in the first place - Working with organizations with low morale and a lack of staff engagement to identify the pockets of intense pressure and to focus resources effectively to re-energise and galvanise effort (reducing waste and creating collaborative working for a common purpose) - Preparing managers for leadership - Enabling teams to turn pressure into growth rather than stress Our combined work with leading organisations including the Health & Safety Executive, Unilever, GlaxoSmithKline, AstraZeneca, Marks & Spencer, RWE Npower, Boots, Nestlé, Dow Chemical Co, Kimberley Clark, Vodafone and the European Investment Bank, has enabled us to develop world class, award winning solutions for improving workplace contribution without it being at the expense of employee wellbeing. If you employ human beings, we can help you.