Head Of Marketing Communications at Autonomic Coaching - Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa
Speculation is rife throughout the wellness industry, from dietary plans proclaiming to deliver positive health promotion to exercise strategy set in shifting cardiovascular health. Unfortunately with most protocols there is a lack of objective quantification, essentially a lack of comparison of progress. Since 2005 I have immersed myself into studying nutrition, along the way picking up a few key concepts of biochemistry and physiology. After 14 years I successfully gained a plethora of qualifications, all of which enabled diagnostic outcome to be that much more specific, improving outcomes of health attainment and sustainability.From blood chemistry analysis to symptoms understanding, getting to know what would make you tick in sync with optimal health is my passion. Unveiling any hidden dysfunctions sets a health protocol not set on speculation but rather specificity, specificity that not only ensures you look better on the outside but slow down ageing on the inside.My sole objective is to prevent you from having to experience dis-ease, a state in which life is uncomfortable and your simply not performing at your best. Autonomic coaching troubleshoots your biological program toward an outcome which is automatically vibrant and full of positive intention to life.