Project coordinator at Mediacentar Sarajevo - Sarajevo, Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Mediacentar Sarajevo is an organization that provides support to development of independent and professional journalism in Bosnia-Herzegovina. From its founding to date, MC organized more than 230 different training programs in the areas of journalism and media education attended by more than 2,000 people from B-H and the region. Over time MC expanded its activities to include: • publishing• media research• public relations training and consulting• video/audio production• organization of various cultural events An integral part of Mediacentar is an archive of print media from B-H and the former Yugoslavia and a library containing literature on mass media. We also publish a regional journal on culture and literature called Sarajevske Sveske (Sarajevo Notebooks). Mediacentar was founded in 1995 in Sarajevo by Open Society Fund of B-H. In 2000 it was registered as a separate education and research institution owned by Open Society Fund of B-H.