Foster Beelief is an HBCU student led honeybee charity based in Savannah, Georgia. The goal of our organization is to build educational honeybee apiaries (collection of hives) and adjoining gardens throughout communities and on the grounds of higher education institutions. We also aim to enhance the lives of foster children in the U.S.A. by sending them care packages and integrating them into the environmental justice community. Our primary apiary is at the Oatland Island Wildlife Center at the Coastal Empire Beekeepers Association (CEBA). The Oatland Island Wildlife Center is home to more than 150 animals from 50 different species.We're developing initiatives at Savannah State University, Georgia Southern University, Allen University, and South Carolina State University.Students and community members will have the opportunity to become members and beekeepers through Foster Beelief and learn how hives work and how to care for them, as well as the types of native plants that bees help to pollinate and how to plant and care for them.Ultimately, Foster Beelief aims to establish beehives and gardens on every HBCU campus and across the country to help to fuel the honeybee population. Foster Beelief engages in interdisciplinary research to further investigate Colony Collapse Disorder, other risks for honeybees, and potential solutions for the honeybee population. Foster Beelief also engages in educational initiatives and advocacy to spread awareness about the factors that contribute to the demise of the honeybees and provide resources for others to help get them involved.Foster Beelief aims to promote sustainability through the education of the at-risk honeybee population, increase STEM interests in minority students, increase the progression and research in all Historically Black Colleges and Universities degree programs, build stronger industry and community partnerships, and increase citizen involvement in communities.