MadLiveFX is a premier independent visual effects company anchored in Memphis, TN. We craft innovative and attention-grabbing sequences for films, music videos, and a range of digital content.Headed by award winning FX designer Lloyd Ambrose, the team is a driving force behind crafting viral FX content for Instagram stars @TutWeezy, @KMooreTheGoat, and @ReySoSilly.We do special effects and video editing for social media sharing for a range of clients across different industries. We can even provide guidance for video production done outside of Memphis. You shoot, we edit.Originally begun as StevenNLloyd Productions, the team has been creating brand-building FX content for film and social media audiences since 2007.WEB: MadLiveFX.comFACEBOOK: MadLiveFXINSTAGRAM: @MadLiveFXElevate your brand with a MadLive creation. MadLiveFX. We Create Madness.