Started in 2008, Crazy Notes is a brand of innovative Kids merchandise, with a motto to "Stay Cheerful". The merchandise are focussed on the juniors to build up their creativity, and making their learning more enjoyable. All the merchandise are generally made with paper.Our Vision to leave kids, constantly with a fresh choice of activity, at reasonable price, makes us the undisputed market leader.We also have a thrust with confidence, that we will remain the unquestionable leader, in the fresh markets, anywhere we go in future. Because of our enthusiasm and hard work, we believe that even sky is not the limit. Since inception, we have aimed to be the finest in service, class, innovation, value and choice. Even today, we are dedicated to the same. We are also constantly growing our portfolio of countries and focusing on creating more and more unique products. This way, we make sure that there is still new to life. There are still more reasons to smile.