GeNext Solutions provides the most advanced managerial leadership approach to generational diversity in the workplace. Our Curiosity A few years ago we began to notice a growing frustration among managers and business leaders with integrating younger workers into their organizations. Activities that in the past had been relatively straightforward—like recruiting, retaining, and rewarding—now seemed more challenging than ever; and we were not the only ones who noticed. Newspapers, journals, magazines, niche publications, 60 Minutes, and even movies have captured the phenomena of the Millennial in the workplace. The stories portrayed reactions that ranged from amazement to incredulity to outrage. We wanted to go beyond anecdotal insight. We desired to understand whether or not the inter-generational tensions we were hearing about in the workplace were real and if so, why, and what could be done about it. We found the tension to be real, the causes surprising, and the remedy readily accessible. Our research findings go beyond finger-pointing at the Millennials (aka Gen Y) or premature praise for them. Our Generational Rapport Inventory™, coaching, and training combine to give you a comprehensive approach to effectively manage across generations and build cultures in which everyone can excel.