Ambassador of Denmark to the United States at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark - København, Copenhagen, De
Science and Innovation Associate at Innovation Centre Denmark Boston
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark is a globally operating organisation. We work for Denmark’s interests and values in relation to the surrounding world in a manner that furthers the freedom, security and welfare of Danes in a more peaceful and just world, with development and economic growth for all. In Denmark the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is organised according to the following main areas of activity: Foreign and Security Policy; European Policy and EU Coordination; Development Policy and Cooperation; Global Cooperation; Export and Investment Promotion; Trade Policy. In addition, there are departments handling Consular Services, Public Diplomacy and Communication, Protocol and Resources (Human Resource Policy, Finance, IT, Security etc.). Denmark is represented abroad by Embassies, diplomatic missions, Consulates-General and Trade Commissions. Embassies handle all aspects of Denmark’s ties with the host country, including development cooperation. Many Embassies cover several countries. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers an international career and possibilities for deployment in more than 80 countries. We have an active human resources approach which aims to create equal opportunities for all employees and a solid foundation for combining work life and family life. We prioritise: Motivating Leadership and Management – Well-being for All - Targeted Career and Competence Development.