PT. Alur Fortuna Abadi ( AFAMEDIA ) established in 2008 as firm engaged in civil construction service. Done various sub-division construction projects to leading developers in Indonesia. Office 8 SCBD is Our one last project being done in 2012. Since then we are focusing on development field construction to ads (outdoor advertising), ranging it from the maintenances, permit retributions up to adver- tisement taxes. As a function of time, We develop AFA Media as agency moves in placement advertising media that includes TV, Radio, Print, Online, and Outdoor. Our commitment is to be the trusted partner to our clients, by giving them our best integrated service, excellence results and competitive rates. To dispatch the right activity of marketing communications both statics and dynamics that supports sales and marketing to our clients. We made and applying strategically driven corporate - brand - branding, through the media promotion and event management to give value products for our clients and communicate to market.