Lopez Hector

planner at Powell Industries Inc. - American Fork, UT, US

Lopez Hector's Contact Details
Powell Industries Inc.
Lopez Hector's Company Details
Powell Industries Inc. logo, Powell Industries Inc. contact details

Powell Industries Inc.

American Fork, UT, US • 20 - 49 Employees

Powell Industries provides manufacturing products and services to a wide cross section of industries.WHY POWELL INDUSTRIES?For over 20 years the people at Powell Industries have been saving our customers time and money by consulting with them on new and innovative ways to manufacture PCB's. We solve your process problems with our products and services.CUSTOMER SERVICEFor our customer we find them the right combination of products and services that make our customers professional life better.For our suppliers we stock and supply their products to the end user in a way that makes the most favorable impression about their products.For our Capital Equipment Principles we become an integral local extension of them to all of the Northwest customers with comprehensive marketing and technical support.EMPLOYEE VALUESFor our employees we lead by an example of hard work, honesty and integrity at all times and in all places. Their future is counting on it

Distribution Sales Sourcing Process Management Consulting Electronics Electrical Apparatus and Equipment Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing
Details about Powell Industries Inc.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lopez Hector
Lopez Hector currently works for POWELL INDUSTRIES INC.
Lopez Hector's role at POWELL INDUSTRIES INC is planner.
Lopez Hector's email address is ***@powellindustries.com. To view Lopez Hector's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lopez Hector works in the Electrical & Electronic Manufacturing industry.
Lopez Hector's colleagues at Powell Industries Inc. are Troy Caniff, Basil Sabu, Robert Price, Kathy Drouillard, Jaree Allen, Martinez Gerardo, Wil Fontenot and others.
Lopez Hector's phone number is 425-226-4594
See more information about Lopez Hector