Loren King

Social Media Specialist at Neogen Corporation - Lansing, Michigan, US

Loren King's Contact Details
(517) 372-9200
East Lansing, Michigan, United States
Neogen Corporation
Loren King's Company Details
Neogen Corporation logo, Neogen Corporation contact details

Neogen Corporation

Lansing, Michigan, US • 2300 Employees

Neogen®’s Solutions Can Be Found at Every Step of the Food Chain. Neogen provides a comprehensive range of solutions and services for the food processing, animal protein and agriculture industries, not only helping to protect the world’s food supply, but also enabling our customers to produce more efficiently and effectively than they could before. We are also proud to serve the companion and performance animal industries, as well as the fields of life sciences and toxicology.

Veterinary Instruments Food Safety Regulations Animal Health Consulting Veterinary Pharmaceutical Products Diagnostic Procedures Veterinary Supplies
Details about Neogen Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Loren King
Loren King currently works for Neogen Corporation.
Loren King's role at Neogen Corporation is Social Media Specialist.
Loren King's email address is ***@neogen.com. To view Loren King's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Loren King works in the BioTech/Drugs industry.
Loren King's colleagues at Neogen Corporation are Erica Doughty, Quynh-Nhi Le, Bill Hoerner, David Dykhuis, Gretchen Sartele, Gabrielle Jackson, Daniel Stewart and others.
Loren King's phone number is (517) 372-9200
See more information about Loren King