We are an acupuncture, herbal, nutrition, and lifestyle center committed to helping men and women live healthier. We are available Monday through Saturday by appointment. We are not in any insurance networks. New to acupuncture and nutritional support? Have questions? Please contact us for more information 650-948-9642.Fertility, Pregnancy & Labor, Women's Health, Men's Health, Menopause, Pain, Injuries, Sleep, Fatigue, Immunity, Cancer support, and more.... We specialize in You.Women's health: We can help with: menstrual irregularities, endocrine/hormonal regulation, pain, PCOS, PMS, endometriosis, fibroids, genito-urinary problems, recurrent bladder, yeast, and vaginal infections, perimenopause, menopause, and cancer support.Pregnancy preparation/Fertility: For men and women. Improve your over all health, enhance your success in having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. We enjoy working with women and men preparing to conceive naturally or along with assisted reproductive therapies. We work with patients before, during, and after fertility drug treatment, intra-uterine insemination (IUI), and in vitro fertilization (IVF). Obstetric acupuncture: Supporting women in pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and lactation. Pre-Birth labor support: Women may begin labor preparation with weekly acupuncture from 37th week til due date. These sessions gently and gradually support your transition toward labor, and are also appropriate for women choosing VBAC.