Lorenzo Segala

Responsabile Ufficio Patrimonio e Servizi Generali at UNICALCE S.p.A. - Lecco, Lombardy, Italy

Lorenzo Segala's Contact Details
Lorenzo Segala's Company Details
UNICALCE S.p.A. logo, UNICALCE S.p.A. contact details


Lecco, Lombardy, Italy • 208 Employees
Mining & Metals

Unicalce è il principale produttore italiano di calce calcica, dolomitica e prodotti derivati con 11 stabilimenti su tutto il territorio nazionale per una capacità produttiva di 2 milioni di tonnellate a cui si affianca la nostra linea di premiscelati Premier con 4 siti produttivi. Da sempre attenta al rispetto dell’ambiente, Unicalce ha fatto propri i principi della sostenibilità e dell’economia circolare. Unicalce is the leading Italian producer of calcium and dolomitic lime and derivatives with 11 plants all over the Country with a production capacity of 2 million tonnes, together with our line of Premier premixed material with 4 production sites. Traditionally careful to the environment, Unicalce has embraced the principles of sustainability and circular economy.

Sustainability Circular Economy Environmental Protection Eco-Friendly Building Materials Construction Industry
Details about UNICALCE S.p.A.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lorenzo Segala
Lorenzo Segala currently works for UNICALCE S.p.A..
Lorenzo Segala's role at UNICALCE S.p.A. is Responsabile Ufficio Patrimonio e Servizi Generali.
Lorenzo Segala's email address is ***@unicalce.it. To view Lorenzo Segala's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lorenzo Segala works in the Mining & Metals industry.
Lorenzo Segala's colleagues at UNICALCE S.p.A. are Stefano Palamides, Davide Fumagalli, Annalisa Tantardini, Filippo Novellis, Raffaele Inglese, Nicoletta Rosi, Lulla Mail and others.
Lorenzo Segala's phone number is 393412571
See more information about Lorenzo Segala