Manager in Advertise Agency, Channel Development, Payment Collections, Marketing.
Media Dynamics integrates design and technology to deliver sales, marketing and training solutions for desktop and mobile delivery. We design, develop and produce high impact interactive multimedia presentations, e-learning modules, videos, 3D animations, apps and web-based tools. Our solutions are completely custom and developed entirely in-house. We can develop entire turn-key solutions or work with your internal resources to provide a specialized service (such as programming, animation, video production, etc.)With over 20 years in business and having produced hundreds of programs, we have a wealth of experience to bring to your next project. We have successfully delivered online training, sales presentations, interactive museum exhibits, apps and digital marketing solutions to valued long-term clients such as: GE Healthcare, Johnson Controls, Underwriters Laboratories, Sargento, Master Lock, Briggs & Stratton and others. Typical applications include: e-learning modules, interactive multimedia kiosks for trade shows and museums, new product roll-outs, sales presentations, online marketing campaigns, recruiting programs, web tools and apps. Key technologies include: Lectora, Captivate, Presenter, html5, JavaScript, PhoneGap, jQuery, Objective-C, ActionScript, Flash, WordPress, Final Cut Pro, After Effects, Lightwave, Cinema 4D, SoftImage, and VRay.Our ultimate goal is to develop engaging, interactive experiences that solve our customers' media communication challenges.For samples of our e-learning and digital sales and marketing solutions, please visit our Sample page on our company website.