AHDTV Network is Delaware's #1 Digital Media CompanyDid You Know? Digital Media in public venues reaches moreAmericans each month 70% than video over the internet 43% or Facebook 41%.View The Arbitron Consumer Report:http://www.advertisinghealthy.com/#!consumer-studyAHDTV NETWORK is Delaware's #1 Digital Media Company that Reaches a critical mass of New & Existing Consumers through Health Facilities, Medical Centers, Dr.'s Offices, Spas, Salons, 24/7 Gyms, Restaurants, Retail Stores, Service Centers and much more. Each digital place-based video TV is strategically placed in High-Foot traffic areas that are guaranteed to put your Business in front of a captive and target audience all day 7 Days a week.Contact Us TODAY....(T) 302-366-7502(F) 302-266-8004Info@AdvertisingHealthy.comwww.AHDTVNETWORK.comwww.AdvertisingHealthy.comCheck Out Our UPCOMING BUSINESS EVENTS!www.AdvertisingHealthy.com/eventsFan Us "Twitter" & "FaceBook