Lori Duer

Owner at The Duerson Corporation - Altoona, Iowa, United States

Lori Duer's Contact Details
+1 515-967-8300
Altoona,Iowa,United States
The Duerson Corporation
Lori Duer's Company Details
The Duerson Corporation logo, The Duerson Corporation contact details

The Duerson Corporation

Altoona, Iowa, United States • 5 Employees

For almost 25 years, The Duerson Corporation has been proudly serving the greater Des Moines metro area, installing more than 6 million square feet of Duro-Last along the way. We are a full service roofing contractor, specializing in roof repair, roof maintenance and re-roofing of existing buildings.We are in the relationship business first and the roofing business second. This idea has served The Duerson Corporation well over the years and has allowed Duerson Corporation to become a leader for both volume and quality in the commercial and industrial flat and low slope roofing industry.We constantly strive to provide our customers with the highest quality, cost effective and innovative solutions to their unique roofing needs. Kirk Duer founded The Duerson Corporation in 1986 on one simple, but important principle: We are in the relationship business first and the roofing business second. That attitude has served him and the company well for almost a quarter century.

Details about The Duerson Corporation
Frequently Asked Questions about Lori Duer
Lori Duer currently works for The Duerson Corporation.
Lori Duer's role at The Duerson Corporation is Owner.
Lori Duer's email address is ***@duersoncorporation.com. To view Lori Duer's full email address, please signup to ConnectPlex.
Lori Duer works in the Construction industry.
Lori Duer's colleagues at The Duerson Corporation are Kirk Duer, Danelle King, Jacob Viggers and others.
Lori Duer's phone number is +1 515-967-8300
See more information about Lori Duer