IDM1 is a solution provider in the integrated disability management industry bringing an innovative perspective to absence management with their integrated approach of disability and lost time services. We are currently offering consulting, lost time assessments and interactive accommodation coordination nationwide to help employers reduce costs, increase productivity and improve internal leave practices. With ever-changing state and federal regulations regarding leave time, IDM1 offers a customized array of services to ensure companies contain costs associated with absences, maintain compliance and avoid infractions. IDM1 can assist in integrating software, vendors, employee relations, internal policies, and regulatory adherence to streamline companies' programs around disability. In addition, IDM1 relieves the employer of time-consuming evaluation and data collection efforts with their tailored approach. IDM1 adds diversity to the industry by being woman-owned. With extensive background in absence and disability management, IDM1 possesses the capability to assist clients in every industry at any size. IDM1 looks forward to being a strong, trust-worthy and cost-effective option for employers.